
*:Sweet Strawberry:* has moved!

Sweet Strawberry shop has moved.

And new dress is now on sale with 10L$ until 24 o'clock 30th Jan.
(Japan time)

Please come hurry!

and old items of second floor are all 5L$ sale.

until 24 o'clock 1th Feb. at Japan time.

I hope you will enjoy this sale ;D



10L$!! (Limited time)

I put a new dress in the shop with 10L$ (90% off price)

until 24 o'clock January 27th at Japan standard time.

The price is 100L$ from the 28th.



New Dress 50L$!(Limited time)

I put a new dress in the shop with 50L$ (about 70% off price)
until 24 o'clock January 23th at Japan standard time.
The price is 150L$ from the 24th.
The dresse is full of the ribbons.
Please come to see hurry!


New Lucky Chair!

I put on a new lucky letter at *:Sweet Strawberry:*


I put on a New Lucky Chair at Snowlandmall(10min)

Each ob them is New Item.Please come and get them ;D


New Dress 10L$(until 18th)

I put on new dress "stripe rose" in my shop.
This is very lovely rose print dress with ribbon.

It is now 10L$ until 18th Jan.(in Japan time)

Please come and see hurry!

Sweet Strawberry


Black cake op

I made two kinds of dresses of the Black Cake print.

Because I like this print cloth very much.

Please come to see they are very lovely print.


Check strawberry dress

This dress is a check and a Strawberry print.
The lace petticoat is attached in this skirt.
Socks of the same handle as the dress are sold with 50L$ in the set.
In the shop, there are a lucky board, an item camp, and a free item, too.
Please come to see once.
Sweet Strawberry shop

what is *:Sweet Strawberry:*

*: Sweet Strawberry:* is my shop in "Second Life".

There are Cute and Lovely clothes in *:Sweet Strawberry:*.
And There are free dress and item camping and lucky board.
Please come here↓